Creating these weird sketches my brain cooks up before dawn is wild. I guess in this one, I thought I should be a giant, terrorizing myself through the window. This is how it came out! Why not, eh? 4m
The best video on organizing you will ever wish you never saw.Show less
No Luck Chuck Learns A Card Trick From Card Rick
No Luck Chuck wants to impress the ladies, but Card Rick has other ideas...
I Did A Standup Set 😱😱😱
So last night I did my first (and probably only) stand up set, and I figured, why not share this magic with all of you? So here it is - my very un-tight 5 minute set, in all it's juicy glory! Enjoy!
No Luck Chuck Goes On A Sexy Date
It's been almost a FULL YEAR since we've uploaded anything to the Pineapple Skeleton YouTube channel! So here's NO LUCK CHUCK getting lucky on a first date!
Plants Music Video
Who wouldn’t want to buy another plant? IT’S PLANTS! Check out my latest music video yaaay!
Toe Music Video
Wait... you don't imagine burning your house down when you stub your toe? Well... this is awkward...
Grown Up Music Video On YouTube!
Grown Up Music Video Out Now!
The first music video off my new album Take Your Life More Seriously is officially out NOW on the onVIVA Platform! You can watch it here: I hope you enjoy many pictures of me and my...
Here's the latest from Schoolin' Around - WTV Friday Night Classics Presents: ROMWAR! Which I am in. And also I edited this. Please enjoy the endless wailing and explosions, truly it was a delight for me to cut all of this...
Dangerous Exercise Bike!
No Luck Chuck really wants to get into fitness because he’s arthritic and stiff!
A Clean Bill of Health
Emily learns of a devastating prognosis. Even more devastating is the treatment plan.
A Mother’s Truth
All is not as it seems – when this mother reveals her truth to her daughter, her world turns to mush.
No Luck Chuck Shows You How To Hang A Hammock On A Balcony
No Luck Chuck got a new hammock and he's very proud! Watch as he demonstrates how to hang the hammock from the balcony! Subscribe to Pineapple Skeleton for new comedy videos every Wednesday! Pineapple Skeleton is Emily Decloux and Justin...
High Five
All she wanted was a second chance at love, but the high five ruined everything! EVERYTHINGGGGGG!
Are Bananas Bad For You?
No Luck Chuck throws caution to the wind and decides to eat a banana even though his doctor says he's got too much potassium in his body! Subscribe to Pineapple Skeleton for new comedy videos every Wednesday! Pineapple Skeleton is Emily...
Story Time With Sloan: Olga The Over Sharing Octopus
Today Sloan is telling the story of Olga, The Over Sharing Octopus. Olga gets into some rather exciting situations! I gotta say, Sloan is one weird cat. She kind of appeared in my head one day when I was working on premise ideas. Usually...
No Luck Chuck and the Back Pain Relief Pillow
This weekend Justin and I decided to try out a new character called "No Luck Chuck". Basically, he's very very VERY "lucky" with everything. In the first sketch of this series, No Luck Chuck buys himself a new pillow to relieve his back...
When Angry Geese Attack! // The High Park Canada Goose Wrangler
Last weekend Julia Jones and I FINALLY got to hang out in High Park here in Toronto! It was a glorious day. Except for the absolutely foul infestation of those little black caterpillar things literally all in the trees at...
What The Pentagon Doesn’t Want You To Know About UFO Footage! (It’s so cute.)
So I was doing my usual Saturday afternoon sketch writing, when I remembered a conversation I'd had with the chicks the night before about what you would do, or who you would call in the middle of an apocalypse. How would...
Weird Turn Ons // Sexy Small Appliances?
Another week, another sketch! This week I explored the super sexy nature of small appliances. And every time I tried a new one, I'd hear VERY sexy sounds! Foot massager? Sexy moaning. Toaster? Sexy grunting. Toilet...
Weird Smell
Justin and Emily go for walk and smell something weird. On an "illegal" walk in Ontario (seriously? They're going to send cops after people who are going for a walk?!?!) Justin and I decided to try out our new Sony FX3. I say "our" even...
Happy Holidays from Big Chick Energy! (Screw 2020!)
It’s Big Chick Energy’s first Christmas! We’re just li’l chickie poos! And we wanted to say happy holidays to all of our amazing fans that have been SO supportive of our sketch troupe, in this, the year of the dumpster fire....
Really Bad Ack-Knee! Zit pop worthy!
There are moments that define us. Holiday card pictures, are exactly that type of moment. That and deciding whether or not to pop zits. And that's why this became the absolute worst holiday photo of 2020. Also, I got to use...
A Super Fun Fall Sketch Roundup!
A few weeks ago, The Chicks were actually able to get together to film some sketches outside! It was a BLAST! And it was so much easier than trying to fricking film virtually. Honestly. So here's a roundup of all the...
Dinosaur Dick Punch
Justin is very excited for a special package. Ahahahahahaha, Justin makes me laugh!
I’m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Karen
So The Chicks had a bonfire at Ontario Place, and we were having a super intimate bonding moment with Britney, and this woman comes up and starts asking us like 800 questions and REFUSES to go away. Obviously we had to turn...
Is it Halloween yet?
Justin asks an important question. WE REALLY LOVE HALLOWEEN IN OUR HOUSE. Like a lot.
SPANX! IS HERE!!!!!! OMG! After lots and lots and lots of editing and filming and waiting to see if we got into the TO SketchFest Film Fest (we didn't) we are releasing SPANX! It all began when Julia asked me one day, "Do...
The Eye Poker
Justin is worried a new piece of wall art will poke him in the eye. Starring: Emily Decloux and Justin DeclouxDirector/Writer/Editor: Justin Decloux Justin and I are hunkering down into lockdown mode and we're starting to make sketches...