When Angry Geese Attack! // The High Park Canada Goose Wrangler

Jun 3, 2021 | Sketches

Last weekend Julia Jones and I FINALLY got to hang out in High Park here in Toronto! It was a glorious day.

Except for the absolutely foul infestation of those little black caterpillar things literally all in the trees at the food stand.

I wanted to die. Right then and there. I don’t do bugs.

ANYWAY after catching up, we decided to film something short and sweet with my super cool new iPhone 12 Pro Max (totally worth the investment) and we came up with the Canada Goose Wrangler of High Park.

Julia got really close to the geese. I was terrified.

Overall it was a terrifying day for me.

But at least we got this super fun sketch out of it!

This Canada Goose Wrangler makes it her mission to stop angry geese from attacking the innocent visitors to High Park in Toronto every summer! Her secret? Total submission to the alpha goose. Seriously.

Canadian geese are mean. Stay away from angry geese!

Written/directed by Julia Jones & Emily Decloux

Edited by Emily Decloux