Venture Shark

Venture Shark Episode 4: Broga

After a stressful week (what with the Dada Hack and all) Brandy takes her team on a yoga retreat to realign and relax. Wait a minute, who invited Cody King (King Coders)?!? Will this guy JUST. STOP. CRASHING. BRANDY’S. LIFE....

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Venture Shark Episode 3: Dada Hack!

Dadabase has been hacked! When running the first update to the Dadabase app, Brandy and Sam are horrified as a virus spreads through their system! Suddenly, an experiential pitch experience takes over all of their computers...

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All Of The Venture Shark “Pun”views!

What's A Term Sheet? As we're getting ready to film ALL of Venture Shark, I thought I'd just do a quick little roundup of all of the blackouts we produced to promote the show! We had a blast making these, and it was the...

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