What The Cards Say About Lizzie’s Olympic Cup Stacking Hobby

Aug 13, 2021 | Pretty Bad Tarot

There’s nothing better than having the entire summer off! And that’s what Lizzie’s got now that she’s working a super cool school job, oh heck yeah!

So Lizzie asked me to figure out what the heck to do with her summer, now that she’s got all this free time!

I’m pretty sure the cards are saying something about her becoming an olympian, but I could be a little off? I mean it could totally happen, the olympics are a THING this summer. Still. Somehow.

There will also be a lot of cups, AND, I will reveal what the cards said about Lizzie getting BANGS! It’s a wild ride!

00:00 Welcome Lizzie!
06:32 Lizzie’s question
07:48 My terrible interpretation of the tarot cards!
23:13 Did my reading make Lizzie’s life better or worse?
26:01 Lizzie’s plugs!

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And if you want me to answer a yes or no question, send me a DM on Instagram at @emily.Decloux and I just might answer it on an upcoming episode!

This episode is produced by The Ultimate Creative