It’s the most heavily branded Comedy Fest in Toronto! From the insane minds of Good News, Toronto’s Korri Birch and Cam Wyllie’s Cam Wyllie comes a night of incredible skit comedy acts performing their best and dumbest material! It’s the one night only bi-annual Toronto Skit Comedy Festival! Presented by Lobsterfest* !
Anesti Danelis @anestidanelis
MK Morris @mk_morris
Ryan Sheedy @rtsheedz
Vulnerable Flowers @VulnerableFlowersComedy
Big Chick Energy @BigChickEnergySketch
Good News Toronto @GoodNewsComedy
Hosted and Toasted by
Cam Wyllie IG: @cameron_wyllie & Twitter: @cameronwyllie
Come to the 3rd annual Toronto Skit Comedy Festival! TUESDAY FEBRUARY 21st at The Social Capital Theatre (2nd Floor Gala Mainstage).
PLUS! 100s of live lobsters strewn around the venue! (pending)
*Not affiliated with Lobsterfest yet, but we’re angling for a bucket o’ free shrimp scampi.